Children's Education Programs
At Scottsdale Child Care & Learning Centers, our families love our school-wide focus on education and character! We believe that every child is a precious, God-given being with basic needs (social, physical, emotional, and intellectual). It is our preschool's purpose to meet these needs in every aspect of our programs.
Our North Scottsdale daycare facilities aim to build good attitudes and confidence. We are passionate about teaching positive skills and incorporating our Christian values: how to make good choices, work independently, display proper manners, take responsibility, share, empathize, be caring, show honesty, and be respectful to others. These are just a few of the character skills that are integrated daily into the lives of our little ones!
All of our programs, from Infants through Private Kindergarten, are structured to incorporate fun, engaging, and age and developmentally-appropriate activities alongside the Arizona Early Learning Standards and Developmental Guidelines. All of our certified teachers focus on gearing their teaching toward the individual growth and development of each child while still seeking to reach classroom goals, developmental milestones, and academic successes throughout the year!
We encourage the little ones in their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive milestones throughout every day — from rolling over to feeding themselves to engaging in puppet play; we see every achievement as a chance to celebrate your little one's growth! Also, all the routine and sweet moments in your baby's day are recorded for your enjoyment every day. This important age group comes first at our school – located right next to the front offices – as an extra hand is often helpful to keep our babies comforted and happy!
We focus on a new theme, letter, number, color, shape, and character concept every week through hands-on arts and crafts, experiments, and projects. Then, according to age and ability, our lead teachers challenge the children to learn other concepts such as writing and phonics, counting and cardinality, sorting and matching, exploration and science play, and tasks like coloring and cutting and pasting. In addition to these academics, we focus on building your little one's character, citizenship, and socialization. We incorporate attributes and actions such as love, joyfulness, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control into our curriculum to help lay a foundation of positive self-worth and character in our children.
Our classrooms are divided for the purpose of providing small age groups so that the children are all on the same page as they learn. The friendships they make are able to blossom as they graduate together from one room to the next.